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We have tools to strengthen innovation in the aquaculture industry in Chile and the world.

Capacity building
Training workshops for Associated companies.
Strengthening program Innovation in the company.
Open Innovation & Challenges
Technological Innovation Tour : learn about innovation ecosystems in other countries, and strengthen the transfer of knowledge and technology to the national aquaculture sector.
InnovaMeet : shared learning encounters in which partners present cases of innovation that leave lessons of experience for all and / or will call for collaboration on specific challenges.
Exchange of knowledge and challenges with academia focused on critical industry issues.

Monthly Bulletin , informs about the main news of the global innovation ecosystem and in the national and international aquaculture industry.
virtual library with documents of interest from markets, innovation and aquaculture.
Flash news
Regular publications in specialized media.
Weekly clipping

Financing Instruments & Funds
Monthly Bulletin on the offer of Instruments for innovation.
Talks about funds for innovation.
Networking & Articulation

Alliances with entities of the innovation, multisectoral and aquaculture ecosystem of Chile and the world, which allow associates to access contacts with peers from other places and realities.
Technological antenna of challenges and innovations related to the aquaculture sector.
Dissemination and interaction with the Community through the ABC platform of Salmoniculture

Promotion & Marketing
International Seminar: Aquaculture Innovation . It takes place every two years and the companies and actors of the national and international aquaculture industry participate around the innovation in practices, products and services of the sector.
Tours promotion and technical and commercial prospecting for potential markets.
Regular publications in specialized media
Social Networks (Linkedin-Instagram-Twitter)
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